There's been some slow progress over winter on the 15/18mm Dark Ages project. I finally have enough heroes painted up for half a game of Midgard! I've previously posted about the chaps in the middle with the bird banner here. The new additions are also 18mm Saxons from Wiglaf Miniatures mounted on 2p pieces. As before, the banners are from Little Big Men Studios and the photos are taken in front of Jon Hodgson backdrops.
I've really enjoyed doing these. More will be in the offing soon. I'm rather taken with the idea of building two Saxon armies so that the kingdoms of the Heptarchy can kick the snot out of each other.
I've also slapped some paint on another unit of armoured warriors for use in Midgard or Dux Bellorum.
The unit on the left-hand side is one I painted last winter, but I've recently switched the banner for a LBMS one I was more happy with. The banner for the unit on the right-hand side is by Wargames Designs (from their eBay store).