Sunday, February 2, 2025

Lords of Battle


There's been some slow progress over winter on the 15/18mm Dark Ages project. I finally have enough heroes painted up for half a game of Midgard! I've previously posted about the chaps in the middle with the bird banner here. The new additions are also 18mm Saxons from Wiglaf Miniatures mounted on 2p pieces. As before, the banners are from Little Big Men Studios and the photos are taken in front of Jon Hodgson backdrops.

Why half a game of Midgard? The rules (which are excellent) split each army into 3 commands. So, a standard game would include at least 3 heroes per side to act as contingent commanders.

I've really enjoyed doing these. More will be in the offing soon. I'm rather taken with the idea of building two Saxon armies so that the kingdoms of the Heptarchy can kick the snot out of each other.

I've also slapped some paint on another unit of armoured warriors for use in Midgard or Dux Bellorum.

The unit on the left-hand side is one I painted last winter, but I've recently switched the banner for a LBMS one I was more happy with. The banner for the unit on the right-hand side is by Wargames Designs (from  their eBay store).

I've also completed another unit of Forged in Battle 15mm Welsh teulu. I experimented with giving them patterned cloaks and sashes. It's taken a few attempts, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

I also note that Wiglaf have just released several packs of 18mm Welsh warriors. I'm looking forward to getting my mitts them in the near future. 



  1. Beautiful work on the new models! The painting on the figures looks excellent and the banners fit right in. I have no idea what the patterned cloaks “should” look like, but yours certainly look good and they seem plausible. I’m looking forward to seeing more as your armies expand! (And I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with the Wiglaf Welsh models, they should be really nice to paint!)

    1. Hey Patrick. Hope you're keeping well.

      I think you've hit the nail on the head there with attempting 'plausibility'. You've got to hand it to Mersey and Copplestone for the amazing job they've done with the Wiglaf sculpts, producing a plausible-looking range with fairly limited evidence. I've attempted to follow suit up to a point. For example, the unarmoured warriors (ceorls) were still men of substance in the C7th - owning at least one hide of land and with slaves to work the land - so I painted them with fairly rich looking clothing (rather than Dark Ages drab), but without the same level bling of the nobles and their hearth companions. Visiting the Staffordshire horde when it first went on display has had a lasting impact, so the nobles tend to be dripping in bling.
      But then the Rule of Cool kicks in. I'm not sure there's any evidence for painted shield designs, but it's at least plausible that a warlord's companions, as fulltime warriors, could have matching shields and it gives them a satisfying cohesion. Same with the banners. I'm not aware of any evidence at all for the sort of flags I've given them, but I think they look cool and it helps heroes and elite units stand out. I've tried to pick plausible(ish) designs, but mostly I just like 'em. At the end of the day they're toy soldiers.

      You've also reminded me that I need to check on those hobgoblins you kindly sent, and currently enjoying a long Dettol bath. I just know the Oldhammer itch will need scratching before too much longer. Now what's a plausible paint job for steppe goblins? :D

  2. As a side note, I finally got to play Midgard over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your leader/ hero bases will get a good workout in that game!
